The following instruction may be followed when you know the IP address of the network printer. Often times the printer’s IP address will be displayed on the printer’s screen or be labeled on the printer. We can certainly install a printer for you – please contact us.
- Click Start (or press the Windows Key + R on your keyboard and skip to step 3)
- Type “run” and press enter
- Type “control printers” and press enter
- Click Add a printer near the top of the window

- Click The printer that I want isn’t listed at the bottom of the window

- Select Add a printer using TCP/IP address or hostname
- Click Next
- Fill in the Hostname or IP address field with the printer’s IP address, which will automatically fill in the Port name field as well
- Ensure the box is checked next to Query the printer and automatically select the driver to use

- Click Next
- You may be presented with one of two windows:
– If a window pops up asking Which version of the driver do you want to use? select Replace the current driver
– If a window pops us asking you to select a driver, try to locate the appropriate selection based on the make and model of the printer – please contact us for assistance if you are unable to find the appropriate selection or are unsure which to choose
- Click Next
- For the Printer name, input a name relevant to the location and the printer type, for example, HSB-170 Ricoh, or B170 HP Laserjet
- Click Next
- Select Do not share this printer
- Click Next
- Click Print a test page to verify the printer is working (unless you are using a Ricoh with a job code, in which case click Finish and follow these instructions: Storing a Job Code for a Printer)
- Click Finish
- Your printer will now appear in the Devices and Printers screen you began at – if you’d like the newly-installed printer to be your default printer, right-click and click Set as default printer.
Access to network shared drives and some other resources is controlled by UW Groups. Membership in a group can open up access to certain folders on network shares. ASA-IS can help you identify which groups you are the owner of, which groups control access to what resource, and help you manage membership of those groups. Here is a quick guide on how to add and remove employees from a group.
- Go to Groups Service Management
- If prompted, login with your NetID credentials
- Click My Groups in the upper left-hand corner of the page

- Find the group you wish to add/remove users from and click on the purple link below the bold name
Note: AN ASA-IS technician can help you identify the correct group if you are unsure about which one to choose
- Click on Membership
Tip: If this is a group you administer frequently, you can bookmark this page directly instead of going through steps 1-4.

- Type in the NetID of the user(s) you wish to add or remove in their respective boxes
- You can enter multiple NetIDs at a time by writing each NetID as a separate line in the Add Members or Remove Members box
Tip: You can add and remove users at the same time (such as removing a former employee and adding their replacement)
- After you’ve entered all the NetIDs, click the Do It button
- Once the operation completes, you can close your browser
- The people you added to the groups may need to log out of their computer and log back in
In the event a shared email account is no longer receiving new emails, remove and re-add the account to Outlook to resolve the issue.
- From within Outlook, click on File in the main menu
- Click on Account Settings, then Account Settings again [ Screenshot ]
- Select the shared email address and click Remove
- Click Yes if prompted whether you want to continue
- Once the account has been removed, click New [ Screenshot ]
- In the Name field, put the Shared NetID
- In the Email field, put in the shared email address
- Type in the password and retype the password [ Screenshot ]
- Click Next
- If a Windows Security window pops up, type in the Shared NetID’s password [ Screenshot ]
- Click OK
- A UW NetID login page will appear, put in the Shared NetID and password
- Click Sign In [ Screenshot ]
- Your email will be added but you must restart Outlook for it to begin downloading the account’s emails
OneDrive for Business is a service provided to the University through UW IT. The IT Connect website has information regarding the UW’s implementation of OneDrive for Business.
ASA-IS provides OneDrive Resources as guides to setting up OneDrive and using its various functions, including sharing and collaborating on documents.
When Users Leave the UW
- Current student, faculty, or staff accounts are disabled and the files are automatically deleted.
- Faculty and staff accounts are disabled after 14 days.
- Student accounts are disabled after one academic quarter.
- Emeritus faculty accounts remain enabled.
Store and Share Files
- Store up to 5TB of data in the cloud
- 250GB maximum file size
- Store HIPAA and FERPA protected data
- Share files with UW users with a UW NetID
External Sharing Disabled
For more information about external sharing and options that will allow you to share with external users, refer to External sharing options.
ASA-IS OneDrive Resources