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Windows 10: Remotely Access Your Computer

Whether you’re at home or off the UW network, there are a number of resources available to remotely access your computer.

Network Connection Requirements

Initiate Husky OnNet

  1. Locate and launch the application BIG-IP Edge Client
    Windows: Click the Start button in the Windows taskbar, search for Big.
    Macs: Open the Applications folder through the finder.
  2. Click Big-IP Edge Client to open Husky OnNet.
  3. Click Connect, this will launch the VPN and secure a connection to the UW network.
  4. Log in with your UWNetID credentials
  5. A red circular f5 icon in the Windows taskbar indicates that you are securely connected.
  6. Continue with the next step.

Launch Microsoft Remote Desktop


  1. Click Start
  2. Type “remote”
  3. Click on Remote Desktop Connection

Create a Remote Desktop Connection

Remote Desktop Setup

  1. Click Show Options
  2. Enter the computer name or IP address
  3. Enter your username as netid\yournetid (or adai\, wanprc\ instead of netid if you are on those domains)
  4. Leave the box unchecked next to “Allow me to save credentials”
  5. You can also configure your remote connection to use all of your monitors, your local webcam, microphone, printer, etc. using the following instructions.


    • Click the Display tab
    • Check the box next to Use all my monitors for the remote session


    • Click on the Local Resources tab
    • Click Settings beneath Remote Audio
    • Select Record from this computer

      Remote Access Audio Recording

    • Click OK

    Home Printer

    To be able to print to your local printer while remotely connected to your work computer, check the box next to Printers on the Local Resources tab


    • Click More at the bottom of the Local Resources tab
    • Check the box next to Video capture devices

      Remote Access Video Capture

    • Click OK.
  6. When you are done selecting the devices you wish to use, click on the General tab again. Click Save to save the connection or Save As to create an icon specifically for this connection you can use in the future (on your desktop or wherever you like)
  7. Click Connect
  8. If it asks you if you trust the connection, click Yes
  9. Type in your password
  10. Click OK and you will be logged into your computer

Manually Install Windows Updates

If you are using a UW-owned mobile device supported by ASA-IS to work from home, please follow the instructions below to process Windows updates.

Connect to Husky On Net or ADAI VPN

Before you can connect to our servers to run the updates, you must first connect to Husky OnNet VPN or, if you are an ADAI employee, the ADAI VPN.

Running the Updates

  1. Click on the Windows Start button in your taskbar
  2. Click on the gear icon [ Screenshot ]
  3. Click on “Update and Security” [ Screenshot ]
  4. Click on the gray button “Check for updates
    Note: do not click on the “Check online for updates from Microsoft Update” button. Those updates are not vetted by ASA-IS yet and may cause issues with your system. [ Screenshot ]
  5. You will receive one of two messages – that your computer is up to date or provided a list of updates to download. You may have to click an “Install now” button to install the updates. [ Screenshot ]
  6. Once updates are installed, you may be prompted to restart your computer to finish installing updates. [ Screenshot ]

MacOS: Remotely Connect to Your Windows Computer

Download and install Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 from the App Store

Remote Desktop MS Store

Once installed, follow these steps to add your workstation computer from your office:

  1. Launch Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.
  2. Click the “+” symbol located at the top of the window. [ Screenshot ]
  3. Click Add PC.
  4. Enter your work computer’s name or IP address. If you do not know the PC name please contact us. Alternately, you may enter your computer’s IP address if known. [ Screenshot ]
  5. You may enter an optional name to identify your Windows 10 connection under Friendly name.
  6. Optional:
    • Click the Display tab. [ Screenshot ]
    • Click to add a check mark on Use all monitors.
    • Follow the next steps to complete your remote session.
  7. Click Devices & Audio tab. [ Screenshot ]
    • Place a checkmark on these items: Clipboard | Microphone | Cameras
    • Confirm that Play Sound setting is set to: On this computer
  8. Click Add.

Test your connection setup

  1. Double-click the remote session that you have created.
  2. Enter your username and password, for example:
    • Username: netid\ your_netid
    • Password: your_netid_password
    • Click Connect.
    • A warning message will appear stating if you want to trust the connection, click Continue.

If you are not able to connect or you receive an error message that you do not have permission or any other error messages, please confirm your configuration.

Report Spam Using Outlook Quick Steps

Configure Quick Step to Forward Spam to UW IT as an Attachment

  1. From within Outlook, on the Home tab, click Create New in Quick Steps
  2. Outlook Toolbar Quick Steps

  3. Add a Name – Report Spam
  4. Click the dropdown that says Choose an Action
  5. Select Forward message as an attachment
  6. In the To field, paste
  7. Click Show Options
  8. Check the box next to Automatically Send after a 1 min delay
  9. Outlook Quick Step Edit

  10. Click Add Action button
  11. Click the dropdown that says Choose an Action
  12. Select Move to Folder
  13. Click Choose Folder dropdown
  14. Click Other Folder…
  15. Click Junk Email
  16. Click OK
  17. Choose a keyboard shortcut if desired
  18. Add text to show up when you hover over the quick step if you would like, such as “Forward spam to UW IT
  19. Outlook Quick Step Report Spam

  20. Click Finish
  21. Now click a spam email in your box then click on your new Report Spam button in the Quick Steps section to report it to UW IT.

Configure UW Spam Filter

Turn off junk mail filter in Outlook

  1. Open Outlook
  2. In the main menu, within the Home section, click on the Junk submenu [ Screenshot ]
  3. Click Junk E-mail Options at the bottom of the dropdown menu
  4. In the Options tab, select No Automatic Filtering
  5. In the Safe Senders and Blocked Senders tabs, clear the list by selecting all entries (Click the first entry, then hold shift on your keyboard and click the last entry) then clicking Remove
  6. In the International tab, click each button, click Clear All, and then click OK
  7. Click OK

Configure the new filter in the Outlook Web App

Outlook Configuration OWA
Outlook Configuration OWA
  1. In a browser, go to Outlook on OWA
  2. Make sure the “Try the New Outlook” toggle is disabled. If not, click it to toggle to off as shown in this figure [ Screenshot ]
  3. In the main menu, click the gear icon
  4. Click Mail near the bottom of the Settings menu that appears
  5. On the left side of the screen, under Mail > Accounts, click Block or allow
  6. Select Don’t move email to my Junk Email folder [ Screenshot ]
  7. Click Save
  8. Under Mail > Automatic processing, click Inbox and sweep rules
  9. Click the (plus) + symbol
  10. Input a name in the Name field, such as “Spam Filter” [ Screenshot ]
  11. Click the dropdown menu under When the message arrives, and, click It includes these words, then in the message header [ Screenshot ]
  12. Copy the text: X-Uwash-Spam: Gauge=XXXXXX
    (Note: how strict the spam filter is depends on how many X’s are in the bold text above. Less X’s means the filter is more strict, more X’s means less strict. You can find more information and modify this later by following the “Modify Outlook Web App Spam Filter” document)
  13. In the Specify words or phrases box where it says “Enter words…” paste the text you copied, click the (plus) + symbol, then click OK [ Screenshot ]
  14. Under Do the following click the dropdown box and select Move, copy or delete then Move the message to folder…
  15. In the Select Folder window, select Junk E-Mail and click OK
  16. Make sure the Stop processing more rules box at the bottom is checked
  17. Click the OK button at the top to save
  18. If a “warning” box appears, click OK

Outlook Web App

Outlook Web App (OWA) is an online interface you can use to access your UW email and calendar from anywhere. Your desktop Outlook and the Outlook Web App are synced, so you don’t have to worry about missing emails or transferring anything between the two. While it does not have all the functionality of the desktop application form of Outlook, it is a handy resource to use when you are remote or on the go.

  1. Go to Outlook OWA for UW
  2. Type in your email (
  3. Click Next
  4. A message appears: Taking you to your organization’s sign-on page
  5. A UW NetID login page will come up – sign in with your UW NetID and password
  6. After you sign in you will be redirected to the Outlook Web App

Share Calendars and Set Permissions in Outlook

Outlook Toolbar

In Outlook, click on the calendar icon in the taskbar, then follow the instructions for the corresponding action: Share a Calendar | Modify Calendar Permissions | Open a Calendar [ Screenshot ]

Share a Calendar

  1. Click on the calendar you would like to share from the sidebar menu – your personal calendar is under My Calendars as Calendar
  2. Click Share Calendar from the main menu within the Home tab of Outlook
  3. Type in the email address of the person you would like to share your calendar with or click the To… button to search for them [ Screenshot ]
  4. If you’d like access to their calendar, check the box next to Request permission to view recipient’s Calendar
  5. Check the box next to Allow recipient to view your Calendar
  6. Click the drop-down box next to Details and select one of the three options, described below:
    • Availability only: Shows details like “Free” and “Busy”
    • Limited details: Shows availability and the subject of calendar items
    • Full details: Shows availability and all details of calendar items
  7. Click Send
  8. The recipient will then receive an email from you – they only need to open the email and click on Open this Calendar to view your calendar [ Screenshot ]

Modify Calendar Permissions

  1. Click on the calendar you would like to set permissions for from the sidebar menu – your personal calendar is under My Calendars as Calendar
  2. Click on Calendar Permissions in the toolbar in the Home tab in Outlook
  3. Find the person whose permissions you would like to edit and click their name
  4. Below, you can either give custom permissions or select preset permission settings from the drop-down menu next to Permission Level – you can check what accesses different presets give by selecting them and seeing how they change the four categories of Read, Write, Delete items, and Other [ Screenshot ]
  5. Click OK

Open a Calendar

  1. Click on the Open Calendar icon on the toolbar at the top of the Outlook window
  2. Click From Address Book
  3. Type in the name of the person whose calendar you would like to access and press Enter on your keyboard
  4. Double click their name
  5. Click OK

Share Outlook Contacts

Open the People screen by clicking on the People icon in the taskbar. [ Screenshot ]

Share all your Outlook contacts

  1. In the main menu make sure Contacts is selected [ Screenshot ]
  2. Continue to Sharing and Opening Contacts

Share Specific Contacts

  1. In the My Contacts menu, right-click on Contacts and select New Folder [ Screenshot ]
  2. Give the folder a name and click OK
  3. Click on the new folder you have created
  4. Continue to Share and Open Contacts

Share and Open Contacts

  1. Click on Share Contacts in main menu [ Screenshot ]
  2. Enter the email of the person you want to share your contacts with or click To… to search for them
  3. Check to box next to Recipient can add, edit and delete items in this contact folder if you would like them to have that ability
  4. Click Send
  5. The recipient will then double click the email they receive &
  6. Click Open this Contacts folder in the menu
  7. To send an email to the contacts or group, open a new message
  8. Click Address Book in the menu
  9. Click the drop-down menu to choose the shared folder, select the contacts or groups to send to and click OK [ Screenshot ]

Distribution Lists

A Mailman distribution list can be used to send an email to a group of people large or small by sending an email to one address. They are requested from and managed by UW IT.

Request: Fill out and submit this Standard Mailman List Request form [NetID required] to create a UW Mailman distribution list.

Management: Review the Owners and Moderators Guide to get more information about how to manage a distribution list.

Administration: Use this shortcut to your list’s admin page –

Subscribers: UW-IT provides additional information about subscribing to and accessing distribution lists.

Delete: Fill out and submit this Mailman Delete Request form [NetID required] to delete a UW Mailman distribution list.

Initial Outlook Setup (Win 10)

When you log in to a computer for the first time, you’ll need to set up your email on Outlook. Thankfully it only takes a minute!

  1. Click the Start button in the lower left-hand corner of your screen
  2. Type “Outlook”
  3. Click on “Outlook 2016″
  4. Optional: An Outlook icon will appear on your taskbar – to pin it there, right-click on the icon and select Pin to taskbar
  5. Outlook Pin in Taskbar

  6. If you are on the UW NetID domain, Outlook will automatically grab your name and email. Otherwise, type in your name, your email and your password and click Next
  7. Outlook Account Setup

  8. Outlook will then connect to the account, at which point a Windows Security window will pop up asking for your credentials – input your UW NetID password and click OK
  9. If successful, you will receive the message “Congratulations! Your email account was successfully configured and is ready to use” – click Finish

It will take a couple of minutes or longer depending on the size of your email account to download your emails.


  • Double check your password – you can try logging into MyUW to make sure your NetID and password are working. If you cannot log into MyUW, try resetting your password or calling UW IT at 206-221-5000 for password assistance.
  • Make sure you are putting your full email address.
  • In the event that Outlook is set up but are not receiving any emails, follow the steps in Change UW Email Forwarding to make sure your email is forwarded correctly.