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Computer Has No Sound

  1. Click on the sound icon in the system tray in the lower right-hand corner of your screen

    Sound Icon Taskbar

  2. Click on the slider bar to adjust volume
  3. If that does not work, try restarting your computer and if still not working, continue on
  4. Right click on the sound icon
  5. Click Sounds
  6. Click on the Playback tab

    Sound Playback

  7. Right click in the white space and ensure Show Disabled Devices is checked
  8. Right click on the speakers you would like to use (which may have been disabled) – if you do not know which to use, try a different speaker than the one with the green check mark
  9. If the device was disabled, click Enable Device first then right click on it again
  10. Click Set as default device
  11. Click OK to close the Sound window
  12. Try adjusting the volume as in step #1 – if you hear a dinging noise, the speakers are working properly.